howie zhu

Dedicated QA Engineer with a strong STEM foundation and a proven ability to swiftly adapt to new programming languages and technologies. A creative problem solver driven by innovative strategies to overcome challenges. Passionate about continuous learning and embracing modern technology for sustained professional growth.

"An interactive 6x6 JavaScript game of a submarine that you have to shoot down. This game comes with a twist! The first position of the submarine is given. Then, the submarine will move in one of the directions (horizontally or vertically by one block). The player will have to guess which direction the submarine had moved to. Then, every time the player clicks and misses the target box, the submarine can move again. The highest chance of winning is at the beginning since it could range from 25% to 50% of getting it right on the first move. The submarine is on a 1x1 block. This web application was created using vanilla JavaScript and DOM."

"The idea of this website is to find the nearest doctor based on the input for your zip code entered. The return results will list all doctors on a map and list based on distance. Each search inquiry will return ten results, with a search radius of ten miles. On the backend of the website, the zip code is converted into longitude and latitude for API search parameters. That data will be used to pull from BetterDoctor API that lists the closest doctors that are still accepting new patients. Then using MapBox, I rendered the doctor offices as markers on the map. This website pulls data from three API's (Mapbox, Google Map, and BetterDoctor) with access tokens fully hidden. Google API was used to convert zipcode into longitude and latitude. This web application was created mainly with React.js."

"This website is the product of group effort with three other classmates. The idea of the website is to showcase vinyl collection to other collectors, who might have the same piece. After registering and logging in to the website, you have most CRUD features on your album collection and your personal profile. In addition, you can update you can also visit other collector’s that have the same vinyl. Searching for a particular album in the database also works. This full-stack web application was created with React.js for frontend and Express.js, Node.js as backend and Sequelize.js as ORM. Using JSON web token with bcrypt, we used the standard protocol for protecting the password."

"The idea of this website is for users to create anonymous postings and comments in those posts, with the topic being about Animals. I built this website with the front end of the application separate from the backend database. There are three main models: User, Post, and Comment. At the moment, full CRUD capabilities on the Post model. With Ruby on Rails, I created the database and association pathways. Then, I used React to pull that data from Rails by using API fetch calls. This full-stack web application was created with React.js for frontend and Ruby on Rails as a framework for the backend."